In Full Sunlight (Vampire Delights Serial #5)

Is this vampire ménage doomed before it even truly started?

I am done. When this adventure started, I wasn’t looking for love from one man, let alone two, and I certainly wasn’t looking for the headaches and heartache that come with lies and jealousy. I gave my trust too easily, and Florian proved it was a mistake.

Lesson learned. I’ll be better on my own.

Won’t I?

My vampire family seems determined to convince me otherwise. And my treacherous heart yearns for Florian and Damon despite the pain my mind fears.

Should I give this relationship another chance, or is it too late?


RATING – sizzling

LENGTH – 18.100 words

NOTE – This story is the last part of a 5-book serial. It also belongs to the Compulsion Cycle series, but each serial can be read independently.


Only available as a boxed set at this time