In the Fiery Blooms series, the world knows about the existence of ‘paras’, paranormal beings with powers as varied as the ability to shift into various animals or mythological beasts, telepathy, pyromancy, and other less common powers. ‘Normal’ humans often look upon paras with fear or distrust, if not outright hatred. As for the governments of the world, they are, as a rule, hostile to paras, and treat them in less than pleasant ways…
This world also has another paranormal element: from birth, everyone, human or para, bears on their wrist the name of the person they are fated to love: their ‘tattoo mate.’ No one knows how this mark appears, but it is universally recognized as the way to find the perfect person with whom to be in a relationship.
While the books in this series belong to the same universe, the stories stand alone and can be read in any order.
Additional ‘slices of life’ or mini stories set in this universe are available exclusively to the subscribers of my newsletter.